The Better Way to Set Goals for High-Achievers

Learn 3 Strategies High-Achievers Overlook for the Best Results.

You’ll feel a relaxed confidence and breathe a sigh of relief as you’ll take steps toward realizing your vision.

Regular Admission Includes:

  • High energy 3 hour experience.
  • A container to bring forth your best self
  • Meaningful content with tools you can use for a lifetime
  • Real time implementation of concepts
  • A sense of community to further integrate the benefits
  • Time away from busyness of life to get clear about what stands in your way
  • Interactive time for insights and networking

You’ll walk away feeling ready to be aligned with your TRUTH, give yourself GRACE, and take action with EASE!

The 3-Hour LIVE Virtual Event on March 15th provides:
  • Downloadable Worksheets and Guides
  • An Opportunity to receive a one-on-one laser coaching session with Rosie
  • Connections for a lifetime
  • Breakthroughs for real success with joy

What People are Saying

I look forward to facing my fears and being less overwhelmed, to prioritizing myself more, and to taking things less personally–not taking on others’ reactions. I enjoyed the exercises, participant discussions, and the safe space to speaking our truths.

Nikki Y

